What should we live by?
Matthew 4:4
Have you ever pondered what true life really is? Today, many people strive for economic success and a stable life. But can wealth, fame, and success truly bring us lasting satisfaction? Many individuals, despite having everything, still feel emptiness and anxiety. Why is that? Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4). These words transcend time and culture, carrying deep significance for everyone. Today, I want to share three key points based on this verse:
- The limitations of a life sustained by material things alone
- The necessity of living by God’s Word
- The transformation that comes from a life of faith
May our lives be renewed through the Word of God.
1. The limitations of a life sustained by material things alone
The phrase “Man shall not live by bread alone” spoken by Jesus means that life cannot be fully satisfied by material things alone. In today’s society, people pursue high salaries, nice houses, and financial security for the future, but do these things truly bring lasting satisfaction? Why do many wealthy people still feel empty and depressed?
God did not create human beings to be fulfilled by material possessions alone. That is why it is important to realize that our lives cannot be sustained solely by physical needs.
If we focus only on “living by bread alone,” we will neglect spiritual matters and fail to prepare for the afterlife. However, every person will eventually face physical limitations—sickness, accidents, and aging are unavoidable. What happens after we leave this world? The Bible clearly teaches that after death comes judgment. If we do not prepare for eternal life, we will ultimately regret it.
From a spiritual perspective, just as Satan tempted Jesus, he also tempts people today to live a life focused only on material things. Satan blinds people from thinking about what comes after this world, leading them away from spiritual life and God’s Word. As a result, many are led toward eternal judgment and punishment.
Therefore, we must deeply reflect on Jesus’ words and understand that true life is not just about material possessions but about living by the Word of God.
2. The Necessity of Living by God’s Word
When Jesus said, “Man shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,” He was not merely instructing us to read the Bible, but to live according to God’s Word and pursue a spiritual life.
Every product comes with a blueprint and a user manual. The blueprint is for experts, while the user manual helps ordinary consumers use the product correctly. In the same way, God, our Creator, has given us the Bible as the user manual for life to guide us on how to live. However, simply owning a manual is not enough—it must be read, understood, and applied in daily life. Are you reading the Bible, the manual for your life, properly?
The Bible is the Word of God, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, to understand it correctly, we also need the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. But how can we receive this inspiration? When we pray, God grants us the same divine insight He gave to those who wrote the Scriptures, allowing us to understand His Word. This is why if we desire to live according to God’s Word, we must seek the Holy Spirit, pray earnestly, and stay close to the Scriptures. Moreover, we must pray fervently for His Word to be realized in our lives.
Think about a car. No matter how well-made it is, if it is not maintained and driven according to the manufacturer’s manual, it will eventually have problems. Similarly, “living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” means not only reading the Bible but also following what it teaches.
For example, when we hold onto Jesus’ words, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33), we experience the incredible reality of God providing for our needs.
Jesus also said: “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on Me will live because of Me.” (John 6:54-57)
Through this passage, we see that when we receive Jesus’ flesh and blood by faith, we gain true eternal life. Believing in Jesus is not just a religious practice; it means that He truly lives within us. This is the essence of the Lord’s Supper.
So, how do we partake in Jesus’ flesh and blood? According to Hebrews 11, it is done by faith. Jesus established the Lord’s Supper and commanded, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” This means that eating and drinking His flesh and blood is about remembering His death through the Lord’s Supper.
When we do this, we receive spiritual life and the promise of resurrection, where we will live forever in God’s kingdom. This is why the Bible declares, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord,” for they will enter into the new and glorious life of resurrection.
3. A Life of Faith and Transformation
Those who live under the law judge and condemn others, but they cannot bring life to the soul. However, God’s purpose in saving us is to bring life to others. Through faith in Jesus’ body and blood, we no longer live under the law but under grace.
The Lord revealed the secret of this way of living through the Lord’s Supper. The mystery of the Lord’s Supper enables us to confess, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20). This confession transforms our lives. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, we love others and dedicate ourselves to bringing life to souls. Instead of judging others, we are changed to share life through God’s Word.
Why did Jesus die, and why did He command us to remember His death through the Lord’s Supper? The Bible is the manual for life and testifies about Jesus. Therefore, following Jesus is the true path to happiness. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.
Jesus covers our sins and failures and loves us unconditionally. However, if we only know the Bible without truly knowing Jesus, we remain under the law. When this happens, we judge others according to the law instead of living a life that gives life to souls.
That is why we must eat His flesh and drink His blood, so we may remain under grace. The evidence of salvation is that we no longer live under the law but under grace. Those who live under the law judge and condemn, but those who live under grace love, forgive, and bring life to others.
This is a life where Jesus lives in us. And this life is not something we achieve by our own strength, but rather, Jesus living through us. This is what it means to live by faith.
Hebrews 10:38 says: “My righteous one shall live by faith; and if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”
To shrink back means to step out of grace and return to living under the law. Therefore, we must remain vigilant and always live by faith, partaking in the body and blood of Christ.
Faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection is not just a doctrine; it is the power that transforms our lives. Throughout history, countless people have been changed by faith in Jesus.
For example, the Apostle Paul once persecuted Christians, but when he encountered the risen Christ, his life was completely transformed. Following Jesus has the power to change people.
If you choose to live by faith today, God’s Word will transform you. Instead of judging and condemning others, you will be led to love and bring life to them.
Human beings cannot live by material things alone; we must live by God’s Word to receive spiritual life. The Bible is the divine manual for life, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and its ultimate reality is Jesus Christ. However, our human nature tends to resist following Jesus. That is why we must accept Jesus in order to live according to God’s Word. Since Jesus is the Word of God, when He dwells in us, His Word becomes our very life. And when we leave this world, our earthly life will fade like a shadow, and we will enjoy the blessing of living eternally in the true reality—God’s kingdom.
Dear friends, what will you choose today? Will you choose a life sustained by material things alone, or will you choose a life sustained by God’s Word? Your choice will make an eternal difference. God is calling you today. Now is the time to decide to live according to His Word.
A life lived by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God is the true life.
May you choose this path, and may you be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, let us pray together.
Gracious and loving God!
We praise and thank You for creating us and teaching us how to live through Your Word.
We believe that when we live according to Your Word, we will experience true happiness
and share the gospel of life with those we meet.
Therefore, help us to pray daily, stay close to Scripture,
and give us the faith to apply Your Word in our lives.
Also, when we finish our journey on this earth,
we believe that, just as Christ was raised,
we too will be clothed in a resurrected body
and will enjoy eternal joy and peace in Your presence.
May this hope fill our hearts, leading us to live each day with gratitude,
and may our lives bring glory to You.
We pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.